Monday, July 27, 2015

Well, it is hard at first. He dumps you, and you still have to keep on breathing. It seems terrible, you know, like the end of the world. For the first two or three days. Then it gets better. You start to go out with your friends, you party, you flirt with some random guy in a bar, you feel a woman again. And that's all it takes. Your self-steem is more important than I guy who, let's be honest at this point, sure as hell doesn't deserve you. If he dumps you, well, fuck off. Keep breathing, keep dancing, keep kissing, keep fucking. Keep living. People who really and truly love you will stay in your life no matter what. That's the truth. And if they can make it through, well, maybe you're just better of on your own. The thing is, we girls are always trying to figure out why, always worrying, always wondering what the fuck we did wrong, when, the fact is, we didn't do anything wrong, they were just too coward to stay, or too liars to tell us the truth: that they didn't love us enough. But forgive them, most of the time they don't have a fuckin' idea of what are they doing, and if they think they can do better, they're completely wrong. If your ex-boyfriend can take the risk of being without you, believe me, you can take that risk too. Because I'm sure you're gonna find someone that will make all the crap worth it, and maybe, some day, when he's sittin', drinkin' with his friends, he'll realize what an idiot he was when he let you go. You're the most beautiful flower ever. If he didn't know how to water you, that's his fault, not yours. So bloom, little sweetheart, bloom, and don't be afraid of what life has waiting for you.

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