Friday, February 13, 2015

- don't tell 'em.
- what?
- this.
- why?
- it wasn't supposed to be this way.. you know?
- and how it was supposed to be?
- I was supposed to be your girl.
- I see.
- and it's obvious I'm not your girl.
- no, you're not. so?
- so this fucks.
- you didn't ever told me your feelings about me.
- no, I didn't. so what?
- so if you had told me that before I would have never kissed her.
- don't you ever dare to say that.
- why not? it's true.
- is it?
- yes.
- but this fucks even more.
- why?
- 'cause I still can't kiss you.
- why not?
- you've kissed my friend!
- well, we can forget that detail.
- no, we can't.
- and this is it?
- yes, this is it. I like you, you like me, but you kissed her and now everything's messed up.
- you should have told me.
- yeah. and you shouldn't have kissed her.
- and how am I supposed to be with her now?
- and how am I supposed to be with her now?
- fuck.
- fuck twice.
- you know what is the craziest thing?
- amaze me.
- the way you look at me.
- what's wrong with the way I look at you?
- you don't seem to be mad at all.
- I'm not mad at you.
- you're not?
- no. I couldn't be mad at you. I mean, I hate you. and I hate you now more than I've ever hated you. but that's just because I love you. and the way you always mess everything up is just the way you are. and I love you the way you are. maybe, some day, when all this stupid things end, we will be together. and then, believe me, everything will be just the way it's mean to be.
- and how is it mean to be?
- awsome.

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