Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I'm not a morning person, and much less if it's a sunday morning. Oh, no, I'm not a sunday morning person at all. I'm not a coffee person. I'm not a speed person. I'm not a subway person, I hate the crowds and the rush and the smell and the suffocatin' feeling when I think I'm trapped. I'm not a fast food person, but I could eat one of those greasy hamburgers if I'm really hungry. I'm not a mountain person, I mean I love them to look at them, but if I have to climb them, uh, then I'm not in the mood. I'm not a phone person. It makes me nervous and I don't get to see the other person's face so I don't know if he's gettin' bored or whatever. I'm not a gym person. No, I hate them with all my heart. And surely I'm not a cauliflower person. I'm a dandelion person, a friday night person, a 2am person. I'm a chocolate person, a cereal person, an ice-cream person. I'm a kiss like the world's about to end person, any day of the week, any hour, any second. I'm a I'm-not-gonna-leave-you person, not now, nor ever. I'm a I'm-gonna-give-you-the-moon person. I'm a love is all you need person. I'm a book person, a movie person, a music person. I'm a night time person. I'm a blanket person. I'm a football and beers and friends person. I'm a dance till your feet hurt person. I'm a sugar makes everything better person. But above all, I'm a rooftops person. And if you know what I mean, maybe we could have a drink some time. Or anything you'd like. I'll pay.

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