Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Without her.

Since she's gone everything sucks more. She was my light, my smile, my beautiful sunset, my wonderfull dawn. She was the blue of my sky, the water of my sea, the flowers of my fields. My sun, my star, my eternal universe.

But then, one day, she was gone. Leaving darkness all around me. No more light, no more smiles, no more sunsets, no more dawns. It was the fucking nothingness all the time. The fucking nothingness. The empty heart, the empty soul. I was left all by myself, without her little bright eyes to make me strong, to give me courage. I was alone, all alone. Nothing, I had nothing. And I became miserable and grumpy. I was depressed in a way I never felt before, in a way that hurt all over my pores, my blood, my molecules and atoms. All of me was damaged, destroyed, torn apart.

It felt like the end of the world, the end of my world. And ever since, I remember her every day of my life, but I can't think of her, because it hurts so much that tears are not enough to relieve the pain. No, they're not enough, nothing's enough.

The love I felt, the love I feel, it's gonna be everlasting, my little beautiful princess. My sunshine, my angel...
... my everything.

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