Wednesday, April 24, 2013

When it comes to love, I'm very reluctant to use words to explain it. I feel it's the only thing you can't explain through words. Love. It goes beyond words, doesn't it? And it's not like I haven't written about love. I've written about love thousands of times. I've written love letters (ones delivered, others kept in an old drawer ) I've written about unrequited love (too much I guess), about my loved ones... about a lot of stuff actually.

But it's never been enough. I can put all my soul and heart, and I actually do, into those words, but it doesn't matter how hard I try, something's gonna be missing. I know it. Believe me, words are like people to me, they're my friends. But I know, they can't communicate love in its entirety. They're unable to express the 100%. Maybe a 80%. More or less. But never the 100%. I'm very aware of that.

Because there's something, I don't know what, that the human being can only express by touching, kissing, looking. It can only be expressed in other ways, not with words.

There's something in the intensity of a gaze, in the tenderness of a caress, in the passion and flame of a kiss, that you couldn't ever describe even if you use all the words of the world.

- When it comes to love, Mikele.

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