Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics. You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements – the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life – weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of the stars, and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget God. The stars died so that you could be here today."

1 comment:

  1. (Sorry for my English) That is very poetic: Sacrifice to death in order of creating life. However, in fact, we're all here not for ancient stars which exploded millions years ago. We're here thanks to the heat and light of one little star, which hasn't exploded yet: Our sun XD So, if we must be grateful, the first star we must remember is our sun. Because if it's alive, it probably would think: “What? I'm here burning just for them to be alive, and they thank my ancestors. Now I'm really angry. Where's the remote to turn myself off????”.
